A Comprehensive Guide For Developing Business Processes That Work!

business process

Key takeaways

  • Business processes are the lifeline of organizations. The quality of products or services delivered by the business depends on business processes. 
  • Business outcomes and revenue generation is directly proportional to the performance of business processes. 
  • Controlling the business process helps monitor and correct any deviations that may occur along the way. 
  • Operational, supporting, and management are the 3 types of business processes. 
  • Business process management (BPM) is a series of tasks that are carried out to ensure smooth business operations. 
  • Workflow management systems are software applications that automate processes across a variety of computer platforms and operating systems. 

What is a Business Process?

The definition of a business process is often misunderstood. People tend to think that a business process is the same thing as an organizational structure–but it’s not!

A business process is a sequence of activities that produces a specific output, for example, “order processing.” It’s a set of related tasks that produce an outcome or result. A business process integration is the way organizations perform tasks to achieve goals and objectives.

Table of Contents

A more technical definition of a business process in the context of business process reengineering is as follows:

“A business process is a collection of activities which comprises different inputs that create value output to the customer.”

From the perspective of process innovation, a business process can be defined as

“…a constructed and sustained set of activities that are designed to get a specific output targeting a particular market or customers. Business processes monitor how work is done within the organization and create a strong emphasis on responsibilities among different teams within an organization[…]. Therefore, a process is thus a specific ordering of work activities across time and space, with a beginning and an end, and clearly defined inputs and outputs: a structure for action.”

Defining the business processes in terms of process innovation and internal business process reengineering is essentially focused on generating outputs for potential customers. It is essential to understand it in these contexts to face the competitive and dynamic business environment where the existing processes are not effective. You need to redesign and reengineer based on what the customer expects.

Business processes can be repeatable, documented, standardized, and monitored. The main purpose of controlling business processes is to ensure that the same results are consistently achieved when a process is performed. When processes are controlled any deviations or exceptions can be addressed by adjusting inputs as required. This is an essential part of continuous improvement of business processes, which aims at eliminating waste in all forms from the business. 

Continuous improvement of business processes helps the leadership re-examine and redefine processes for better outcomes. Streamlined business processes operate efficiently and effectively. Adapting the business process to changing conditions is key to respond quickly to new opportunities.

Also Read: What is a task in a business process?

Understanding the definition of business processes is essential from a management perspective for companies to utilize technical resources effectively. The resources can be machines, information systems, and other allocated resources.

What is the difference between a Workflow and a Business Process?

A workflow is a series of tasks that have been automated and assigned to users. A business process, on the other hand, is a collection of multiple workflows that have a beginning and an end (usually). One workflow can be part of multiple business processes at once; indeed, it could even be the only component in another business process. While it may seem like there isn’t much difference between the two designations—a workflow can be thought of as a single task within a larger operation—they represent two distinct models for automating work processes.

Why Are Business Processes Important?

Business processes are the way we do things. They ensure that we deliver on our customer’s expectations, manage our business, and operate it efficiently.

Processes are so important to us that their importance has been elevated to the level of cliche. We hear this all the time: “We need to improve our processes.” But what does this mean? It could be a lot of things!

How Do Business Processes Work?

A business process is a set of activities that produce a specific outcome. A business process can be defined by four stages: planning, execution, control, and review. These stages are repeated over time to achieve continuous improvement in the efficiency and effectiveness of your business processes.

Steps in a Business Process:

The business process steps can be broken down into phases, which are individual steps in the process:

1. Input phase

The starting point is where data is gathered and submitted to the system to be processed. In this phase, you might collect information from customers when they purchase something from your company or register for an event.

2. Process phase

This is where work is done on information submitted during input so it can be used later on in other parts of the process (for example, if you’re ordering custom furniture for one of your clients). You might also enter orders into an accounting database here if those orders will require payments before shipping out products or services requested by customers.

3. Output phase

This is where results come back from processing with updated data stored somewhere else (like accounts payable records). It could also include notifications sent out informing people when they need additional documentation or follow-up questions answered by someone else within the organization before finalizing transactions related to what was ordered during input phases (e.g., after receiving an order number printed on packing slips attached to boxes containing new furniture).

Lifecycle of a Business Process

When you’re designing a business process, it’s important to keep in mind the life cycle of your process. It is a cyclic methodology that involves the investigation of business processes from several perspectives at each stage. The business process lifecycle is recursive – meaning each phase can have similar phases throughout the lifecycle.

The life cycle of a business process is divided into four stages:


this is the planning phase where analysts define the business processes required for the project to get the desired results. The goals and objectives are defined in detail, and the design characteristics are conceptualized.


in this phase, different aspects of the processes, such as functional activities, behavioral conditions (iterations, conditions, and parallel), and informational requirements, are described in detail. The target characteristics are also defined here, with which the detailed design model is created for the implementation and operation phase.

Implementation and operation

upon designing the business processes, they are implemented. The successful transformation from design to implementation depends on the granularity level of the models and the description of language. All characteristics should be supported by information technology (IT). They should be easily mapped by the IT services in the organization.


once the business processes are executed, it’s time to collect customer feedback and fulfil them. Since business processes are based on a defined event, the output should be optimized through constant monitoring. Performance analyses are conducted periodically to create value-induced output satisfying all the requirements of the customer. This can be done using quantitative and qualitative methods such as statistics and process mining etc. This eliminates any unforeseen deficiencies, which improves subsequent phases in the future business process lifecycle.

The 3 Major Types of Business Processes

A Business Process can be split into three major types based on its application and how it plays a role in the organization’s daily functions. They are,

1. Operational Processes

* Operational processes are the primary processes that are supposed to be carried out promptly to deliver a product or service in time to a customer.
* They are essential for the company to function and make revenue which is mandatory to handle daily expenses.
* Processes like manufacturing, delivering, and maintaining records of products sold can be classified as operational processes.

2. Supporting Processes

* The name suggests that these are secondary processes and they are but they are the backbone of operational tasks.
* When the core team is working towards customer satisfaction, these processes are focused on supporting them by providing employee benefits, salary, bank account management, and expenditure to improve the organization’s capability and leave the management of employees.

3. Management Processes

* The management has to make a lot of decisions daily, such as investing to buy new equipment, OPEX, strategic planning to make better use of the available workforce, infrastructure management, and related tasks.
* When these three processes work together and complement each other, it leads to better business process management and contributes big time to the company’s growth.

A business process management tool can help you keep track of the changes you make to the process and how well those changes work for your business. It’s important to keep track of this because it allows you to see what is working and what isn’t. To know what to improve at work. you must understand what changes have improved the process and which ones have not had any impact on it.

Once a change has been made, its success should be measured against its original goals(this sounds obvious, but I’ve seen so many projects fail because no one bothered to measure whether or not they were successful). If those goals are met, then great! If they aren’t met, it may be time for another round of improvements.

Business Process in BPM

The Business Process in Business Process Management (BPM) denotes a series of tasks that are carried out to ensure the smooth operations of the company.

There are many internal processes such as HR onboarding, salary management, leave approvals, invoice processing, and purchase orders that should be done promptly with precision so that the company can run without any slowdowns.

At times, organizations may choose to outsource this process due to limited resources but when you use workflow software and utilize the best automation solutions, it is much easier to get it done.

Business Process Examples

Here is a list of some common business process examples that a company can implement:


the process of procurement in a business involves selecting vendors and establishing payment, negotiating to required price, and getting the purchasing supplies needed. Having a comprehensive procurement process will strengthen the vendor-supplier relationship. The well-documented workflow process will help you devise cost-effective strategies, financial stability, and quality improvements.

Customer service

this is one of the best examples of business processes. The process includes investigating and addressing customer concerns. Having a well-defined business process for customer service can make you consistent and gain more customers.


the marketing process in any enterprise includes the design, development, and launching of the product or service to the market. You can use business process tools to streamline marketing activities and automate marketing processes to increase conversion rates.

Project management

nowadays, more and more companies are utilizing project workflow tools to keep track of the project progress. You can simply automate project management using a business process tool like Cflow, which will enhance your productivity.

Product development

successful companies, develop products and services, which is itself a business process. But, when you have a business process specifically for product development, you can enhance the production quality, and provide tangible service-based products through effective conception and market research.

Client onboarding

new clients are the assets of a business, and welcoming them displays your organization’s level of professionalism, expertise, and courtesy. Having a comprehensive and documented onboarding process will ensure compliance and increase client satisfaction which will be helpful for future business growth.

Asset management

operation, maintenance, renewal, and disposition of assets is an integral part of organizational growth. When you streamline your asset management, it will help improve the potential of existing assets and reduce risk and cost. Also, having an asset management process will help identify and evaluate assets and timely removal of ghost assets in the organization.

Diagramming Tools For Business Processes

You’re probably familiar with the concept of a business process. For example, let’s take a look at a simple business process scenario of the process of ordering a pizza from your favorite delivery service might involve three stages:

  • deciding what kind of pizza to order
  • making the order
  • waiting for it to arrive at your door.

Each step in this process is an activity that contributes toward completing the task overall—and the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) makes it possible for different people within an organization to share their ideas about how different processes should be organized.

This graphical notation can help all stakeholders involved in a project develop a shared understanding of how individual parts fit together into an overall system or workflow. It also gives them tools for communicating those models both within their organizations and with external partners like clients or vendors who are interested in the process of working together with them on projects involving shared goals but different perspectives about how best to accomplish those goals.

Business process management (BPM) is an approach to managing the core of an organization using a collection of proven concepts, methods, and tools. BPM aims to improve productivity by improving the way work is performed.

Workflow management systems are software applications that provide for the automation of business processes across a variety of computer platforms and operating systems. They are designed to handle both simple and complex tasks across several interconnected departments or organizations.

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Benefits of Business Process Management

Business process management, or BPM, is a system that helps you improve your business processes. This will result in improved customer service, reduced costs, and increased productivity.

As stated above, business process management can help to improve the quality of your products and services by making them more consistent. It also reduces costs by streamlining inefficient processes and eliminating redundant tasks. Additionally, it allows you to realize greater employee satisfaction by making sure they’re not bored with repetitive work or overworked on tasks they don’t enjoy doing.

A business process is a series of actions that companies take to produce a valuable service or product.

A business process is a series of actions that companies take to produce a valuable service or product. Often, these processes are documented and repeatable; they’re performed by multiple people, and they can be automated or measured. Business processes exist in many industries, but the concept is especially important in software development because it’s how companies make sure they deliver what clients want on time and within budget.

The most common approach to improving your business process is known as continuous improvement (CI). CI refers to the practice of examining your current practices at regular intervals, looking for ways you can improve them without changing their fundamental nature—whether manually or digitally—and then making those improvements over time until the new practices become second nature for everyone involved with completing them.

Create a Map to Implement New Business Processes

You have to get down and dirty to create a business process. Business processes are not born fully formed; they’re created by people who know how the world works. And how does the world work? It has things called “processes”, which can be mapped out in diagrams that show what happens at each step, where data comes in, where it goes out, who does what, and when. A good model of a business process allows you to see all these things at a glance—and then modify them if necessary (because you find out something is missing or wrong with your initial design).

A smart way is to implement business process mapping. The first stage in creating a business process model is usually called “business process mapping” or “business analysis”: this involves getting together with your colleagues (from across departments) and working out what needs to happen between various departments/people within an organization when an order arrives from outside.

You’ll draw up lists of steps involved in each part of the process, which will help you figure out whether any steps could be done away with altogether (or combined), whether new technology could make some steps faster/easier/cheaper/more accurate than they currently are…

Making a timely decision is essential for any business process initiative to be successful. Implementing a process can be simplified with the help of workflow automation software like Cflow.

Before that, you need to define the problem before starting on a solution.

Set goals before you start working out, and make sure they’re realistic—it’s better to reach most of your goals than to try for all of them and fail at all of them because you didn’t have time or energy for the other ones.

The most common and preferred way to implement a business process is to go with a sequential process which will be planned earlier and implemented with a clear-cut idea. It will have a specific duration; all the elements will be sorted out and implemented sequentially.

Be ambitious: set up status status-driven process based on the current situation and requirements. It is more of a situational decision, while a parallel business process is something that is carried out parallelly without disturbing everyday operations.

Business Process Management Software

Business process management (BPM) is the automation of business processes to improve efficiency and effectiveness. It can be used to manage all aspects of your business or just one aspect. Business process management software makes it possible for you to do so without having to hire an army of employees!

This type of software allows you to track different pieces of information, such as when things are done or completed, where those tasks are located, who is working on them, etc. The BPM tool you choose must allow you access to all the data related to your business process and reengineering so that you can utilize this information effectively when making decisions about how best to move forward with implementing changes based on what’s currently happening within each area being tracked by individuals operating under its auspices today.

Looking for a Business Process Software?

Business processes are the foundation of a company’s success. The world is changing, and business processes must keep up. Businesses that don’t adapt will be left behind. The good news for you is that there are tools available to make your job easier. By using business process management software, you can increase efficiency and reduce costs while increasing customer satisfaction through improved service.

Cflow is a Business Process Software that has earned the reputation and love of hundreds of regular users who love its intuitive UI, features, and the ability to automate some of the most repetitive tasks.

There’s more to it than what meets the eye, as you can change the way your organization works and implement any type of business process as required without disruption by using Cflow.

What should you do next?

Thanks for reading till the end. Here are 3 ways we can help you automate your business:

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