Workflow Analytics
Stay updated at all times with workflow analytics that provides you a clear insight into what’s happening in your organization.

Recorded, Categorized, and Easy to View
When processes are automated with business insight, informed decision-making becomes feasible. Keep track of all the invoices transacted during a month or the entire year, HR processes including new employee onboarding, appraisal management, and leaves availed by your employees.
Implementing improvements with data visualization, dashboards and reports will make business processes seamless to handle, leading to effective organization’s workflows.
Everything that happens through Cflow is recorded, categorized, and easily searchable allowing you to find what you need without any complicated procedure. The workflow analytics interface is intuitive, and customizable based on various criteria. It provides a unified place to keep track of all workflow processes related to your organization’s different departments like Finance, HR, IT, and others.
With so many benefits of workflow analytics, the employees and decision-makers can make data-driven decisions. It helps improve processes by allowing them to keep an eye on workflow status leading to workflow enhancement and automation.
- Detailed workflow analytics to keep you notified of aberrations in your processes
- Drill down to stage level approval times and understand user efficiencies
- Receive actionable insights that result in customer delight
- An intuitive workflow analytics page helps you understand at a glance
Every process begins with different steps: Started, In progress, Finished! When implemented effectively, they can deliver much better results.
Supercharge your process flows with Cflow
Email Notifications
Getting notified as and when it happens is essential. Notification that comes very late to your attention isn’t valuable.
Auto Approvals
Have you ever come across a situation when a work process got delayed due to a missed approval?
Vacations & Delegation
With an easy to use vacations and delegation system, Cflow simplifies the process of keeping people notified!
Link Multiple Processes
A good workflow automation program should always help multiple departments to handle processes together.
SLAs and Escalations
SLA (Service Level Agreements) and escalations are deployed in the first place to ensure your employees deliver.
Visual Workflow Builder
The world of technology changed with GUI (Graphical User Interface) and with Cflow we aim to make workflows.