Tracking and Managing Process Workflows with Workflow Tracking Software

Tracking and Managing Process Workflows with Workflow Tracking Software

Key takeaways

  • Running a business successfully requires smooth process workflows that are free from redundancies. 
  • Workflow tracking and management is the most effective way to ensure that business processes are on track and deliver optimal results. 
  • Managers can use workflow trackers to keep a tab on the status of key business processes at all times and have complete control over end-to-end workflows. 
  • Workflow tracking software provides complete visibility into workflows, which enables teams to open any workflow, see the status of tasks, and drill down to status of individual tasks. 
  • Workflow tracking software must provide a macro-level view of processes through an intuitive dashboard. 

What is Workflow Tracking Software? 

Workflow tracking software is a tool that helps businesses track their processes in real time to ensure that they are running on track and delivering optimal results. Workflow tracking and management is an effective way to ensure that business processes are devoid of redundancies and inconsistencies. This blog explores workflow tracking in detail, need for workflow tracking, and the benefits of workflow tracking. 

Table of Contents

Business processes are the engine on which the business runs. For smooth and efficient business operations, business processes must be free from redundancies and inconsistencies. Process workflows are a series of tasks that a business carries out on a regular basis. Workflow tracking and management is the most effective way to ensure that business processes are on track and delivering optimal results. A workflow tracking software helps track workflows closely to eliminate repetitive tasks.

What is Workflow Tracking?

Tracking process workflows helps organize work and business processes and design them efficiently. A clearly defined and structured process workflow helps improve productivity and quality and continuously increases customer satisfaction. A workflow tracker software allows companies to develop business processes and workflows, and map them into clear transparent processes. Companies that want to bring better structure into their internal processes for improving process efficiencies and developing new business processes need to know the status of their processes. Workflow tracking tools can be used when companies want to introduce a management system as part of the ISO certification. Status tracking software also helps streamline processes so that their productivity and competitiveness improve. A workflow management tool helps automate the process completely or partially. Tracking software shows how to track workflow in an effective manner. Workflow tracking tools enable the leadership to see how much progress has been made on a given task. Workflow trackers can be used by managers and team leads to stay on top of the status of processes. Workflow tracking software enables teams to see what tasks have been completed, what is still pending, and how efficiently employees are working. Users can get complete control over end-to-end workflows with the right workflow tracking service.

Need for Workflow Tracking

Although processes and workflows may depict two different things, it is important that they are in sync with each other. Business processes involve a series of related actions, broken down into individual tasks. Workflow on the other hand refers to the routing of these processes, incorporating a range of tools that enable them to flow smoothly in real time. In simple terms, processes or procedures are a definition of what should happen, and a workflow is what actually happens. Combining these two maximizes the operational benefits that a business tracker can achieve. Workflow management is a method used to improve business process management. Here are 5 indicators that you need to track your processes closely: • Your processes are ridden with errors, bottlenecks, and delays – if you are seeing unexplained delays too often in your workflows, or bottlenecks occurring way too often, or an increased incidence of errors, then it is time to track your workflows for the cause of issues. • Important documents are missing or damaged – archaic business processes involve a lot of paperwork that is difficult to track and maintain. Businesses using such processes are prone to lose or damage to important paper documents. If you are looking to replace physical documentation with digital documentation, then workflow automation is something you need to focus on. • Team members are spending too much time on mundane activities – the repetitive steps in any business process can stress out team members and keep them from working on meaningful tasks. • Process outcomes are below expected performance standards – if business processes have been performing below par levels then you need to recheck the process workflows. And to recheck process workflows, you need to use workflow tracking tools that map out the existing process to find out issues that need to be fixed. • Businesses are mostly in firefighting mode rather than being productive – the team spends more time solving issues rather than improving business productivity. Tracking the process closely would help in the root cause analysis of key business processes.

Benefits of Workflow Tracking

Now that we know why we need to track and manage business processes, let us move on to the benefits of using workflow-tracking software. The direct benefits of tracking your business processes are time and cost savings. Here is a list of the advantages gained by using workflow tracking software: Complete visibility of workflow – Workflow status tracking software enables users to open any workflow, see the status of tasks, and drill down to the status of individual tasks. Users can get real-time updates on which tasks are completed, pending, or stalled. Complete details including the date and time stamp of tasks, who is working on which task, and other performance specifics can be derived from this software. Performance tracking – When users get complete details on the tasks, they are in a position to track the performance status of each task and the overall process. For example, if a task is stalled for want of input from the preceding task, users can get to know the point at the process is stalled. Identifying this point enables them to take corrective action immediately before the process flow is affected. Workflow audit – Workflow tracking software enables secure storage of data in a relational database. Reports and information on the process and tasks are provided to users in real time. These reports are made available to users whenever it is needed. Visual reports and dashboards paint a complete picture of the process, which can be shared around the organization. Workload management – Workflow tracking software helps identify bottlenecks and workload issues immediately. Reassignment of tasks to employees in order to clear the bottlenecks and also ensure optimal usage of resources for maximum process productivity. Workflow tracking tools – Empower users to stay informed about task and process statuses in real time. Tracking process workflows is essential for mapping out business processes and streamlining them to improve efficiency.

Essential Components of Workflow Tracker

To accomplish the end goal of a business process, you need to have workflow-tracking software that tracks the status of every task and ensures that the outcomes are aligned with the overall organizational goal. The essential components of workflow management software are:

Clearly defined, repeatable process –

Processes that are of the rinse-and-repeat nature are best suited for workflow tracking. Every workflow software should transform a task or a process into a repeatable and predictable project.

Macro-level view of processes –

The workflow tracking tool must provide a macro-level view of the status of all the processes through an intuitive dashboard. To optimize workflows using workflow management software, users need to be able to monitor project or process progress over time.

Integration with business apps –

The smooth flow of tasks and projects is the main aim of workflow management. All the business processes need to communicate seamlessly with each other for smooth operations. The workflow tracking software must integrate with other business apps to streamline and automate tasks.

Analytics and Reporting –

For evaluating the success of the workflow tracking software you need to have real-time reports and analytics of the key performance parameters. The workflow tracking software must have a reporting feature that helps determine how successful and productive was the implementation of automated processes. Based on the performance feedback in the form of reports and analytics, you can continue to iterate on the workflow and process.

The simplicity of usage –

Simplicity and ease of use of the workflow platform are pivotal to successful implementation. Having a workflow platform that can be understood and operated only by a selective group of employees is considered a failure. Such software leads to inefficiencies that may impede the future growth of the business. Choosing process automation tools that are user-friendly and simple enough for everyone ensures that the staff is motivated and empowered.

Drag and drop workflow template design –

Process workflow templates are a critical component of workflow tools. The template designs must be visually appealing and user-friendly. Complex design templates cause unnecessary confusion and inefficiencies. Moreover, over-complicated template layouts can be counter-productive for the business. Templates that not only look good but are also easy to use, are a must for a workflow tool.

Built-in mobility –

Workflow tracking and management systems must support mobile functionality. Without any coding on your part, the layout must look good on mobile. The mobile design must be intuitive and easy to use.

Improvement and collaboration –

Your workflow tracking tool should enhance team performance and collaboration. The software must establish a seamless communication system that promotes collaboration among team members. The software must provide a centralized view and access to process data so that the entire team is on the same page.

Notifications and reminders –

Team members must be notified on time about the tasks that are assigned to them. Workflow tracking software enables customization of these alerts and notifications and sends them out in a timely manner.
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The challenges of running a business are almost endless. Even the best-laid-out processes can go awry without the right workflow tracking tools. Using the right workflow tracking software to stay updated on project and process statuses is the best way to stay ahead of the competition and carve a niche in the industry. Workflow tracking software like Cflow enables businesses to orchestrate process management with automated business applications. With more than 20,000 users across the globe, Cflow is the preferred workflow automation solution for small, medium, and Enterprise businesses. To explore the insane automation capabilities that Cflow can bring to your business, sign up for the free trial now.
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