→ A Comprehensive Comparison of Pipefy Alternatives

Looking for Pipefy alternatives? Keep reading this article to know the competitors and how Cflow is your #1 alternative to Pipefy. See what makes Cflow unique.

better alternative to pipefy found

Trusted by 100,000+ users worldwide

Trusted and loved by customers across the globe, Cflow is the preferred workflow management platform for small, medium, and enterprise businesses.


The Advantages of Going with Cflow Over Pipefy

Cflow, the easy workflow automation software, is built for the cloud, from day one. With transparent pricing and free concierge on-boarding, you are well positioned to be up and running in no time.


Making the software easier to use for everyone in a team, no-code design allows your employees to create workflows very quickly

Cloud Storage

All your documents, processes and workflows are all saved on the cloud for easy access anytime from a computer connected to the web

Third Party Integrations

Why leave all your favorite apps and programs behind? MAKE integration brings in hundreds of apps to make your entire team more productive

Intuitive Design

The entire UI is intuitive so that anyone new in the team or existing employees can instantly create new workflows to deploy them

Customization Capabilities

Setting roles, automated notifications and providing the freedom to customize workflows to suit each requirement sets Cflow apart

Assured Privacy

With options to store data on the cloud or in local server of your choice, privacy is of utmost concern and to keep your organization’s data safe

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