Freed Hardeman University - Case Study

Freed Hardeman University - Cflow implemented a workflow automation solution that streamlined the entire course enrollment workflow


Client - Freed Hardeman University (FHU)

Freed Hardeman University (FHU) located at Henderson, Tennessee works towards helping students develop their God-given talents by empowering them with an education that integrates Christian faith, scholarship, and Service. Established in 1869, the University offers 43 majors in 12 areas and 15 varsity sports.


The admin at FHU was entangled in a manual, tedious course enrollment workflow that ate up a substantial amount of their work hours. The inefficiencies of their course enrollment workflow came to the fore during the COVID-19 pandemic when remote working became the new normal at organizations across the globe. Manual course enrollment processes were not only inefficient, but also lacked the accuracy and consistency required for large-scale enrollments. The admin at FHU was looking for a digital solution for the course enrollment process.


Cflow implemented a workflow automation solution that streamlined the entire course enrollment workflow. The entire process was automated with the no code workflow form builder in Cflow. The redundancies associated with manual enrollment workflows were eliminated by digitizing the entire process. The consistency and transparency brought in by Cflow enabled the team to stay on top of course enrollments at all times. Data entry time and cumbersome manual paper flow were eliminated from the workflow.


“The WFH environment during the COVID-19 pandemic made it clear how inefficient our course enrollment processes were. Cflow allowed us to digitize paper forms with automated workflows. If you can envision a tool for an online workflow, it can be done in Cflow!”

Stephanie Duncan, Registrar @ Freed-Hardeman University

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